B.B. College distributes ration items to its adopted village

Namo Jamdoba village was adopted by B.B. College.The situation in village worsened during the locked down due to Covid-19 Pandemic.Being true to the relation,B.B. College comes forward to provide timely ration relief to 45 families of the village in dire need with the promise to return soon if the locked down persists
B.B. College distributes food materials to tribal families

B.B. College believes in awakening spirit of serving humanity in its stakeholders through various noble deeds. During the locked down, B.B. College extends its hands of empathy by providing necessary food items to the tribal people who rendered jobless in locked down.
B.B. College joins the Corona fight by producing and donating Sanitizers to Corona fighters

B.B. College believes in reaching out to the community. As Principal Dr. Amitava Basu opines that the war against corona is not for the governments to wage alone but it is also the duty of the citizen to actively participate and bolster the morale of frontline corona warriors. Keeping with this vision and under his abled stewardship the department of Chemistry produces and donates 50 litres of sanitizers to police and health stuff those who are toiling tirelessly in the streets and hospitals.
B.B. College Scouts group bolsters the morale of Corona fighters

B.B. College Scouts group organises program to donate soaps, sanitizers, masks to the frontline corona fighters such as cleaning stuff of corporation, public health stuff, civic volunteers and police. The program oversees honouring and boosting morale of Corona fighters.
B.B. College inaugurates online portal for remote learning

True to its core values and guidelines provided by Dr. Amitava Basu, Principal, B. B. College, website monitoring committee initiated and fulfilled arduous task of reaching out to the students in the time of Covid-19 with the creation of online library of study materials and e-contents. The online library ensures ceaseless learning even in locked down.
B.B. College organises two day International eConference on Sustainable Development

Being committed to fight Covid-19 pandemic in academic realms and pioneer in online teaching & learning process, website monitoring committee under the aegis of IQAC, B.B. College organised two day International e-Conference, e-ConSus2020 to deliberate on sustainable development from the viewpoints of natural sciences, social sciences and humanities. This e-conference was preceded by a month long International webinar on Library and allied subjects in network setting the scene for such experiment. The e-Conference would be followed by many such activities in locked down.
B.B. College takes the challenge of New Normal head on and organises webinars online quizzes poster competition
Undaunted by the Covid-19 pandemic B.B. College family strives to reach out to academic community with various programmes in digital. All the departments in their ceaseless efforts to continue with the academic commitments organises following programmes even in locked down.
- Webinar Series on Library and Allied Subjects in Network : Deliberation on Digital Intervention in Humanities & Memory Institutions.
- Webinar and Poster Competition to Celebrate World Environment Day.
- Quiz Contest on Covid-19.
- Webinar on Impact of Covid-19 on Teaching Learning Environment.
- Webinar on Recent Developments on the Understanding of Epidemic Dynamics and Studying the Evolution of our Universe by Probing the Neutral Hydrogen Distribution over the Cosmological Time Scales.
- Quiz Contest on Research Methodology.
- Webinar on Epidemics and Society.
- Webinar on Impact of Covid -19 on Indian Economy and Business - Challenges and Strategies for Revival.
- Mathophilia 2020, Webinar on Mathematics & Mathematicians: from Vedic to Present Pandemic.
- Webinar on A Venture into Prospects in Career and Higher Education.
- Chemspiration 2020, International Webinar on Challenges and Conquest Strategies in the ‘New Normal’ Global Scenario.
- Webinar and District Level Elocution Competition to celebrate International Youth Day 2020
- Webinar On Online Teaching-Learning in Purview of National Education Policy
B.B. College organises Cultural Program in digital amidst locked down
Not only in academic arena, B.B. College is also active and continues to celebrate programmes of cultural and national importance in digital mode. B.B. College family has successfully organised Rabindra Jayanti, Nazrul Jayanti, Death Anniversary of Rabindra Nath Tagore, Martyrdom of great patriot Khudiram Bose.
Celebration of 74th Independence Day
Celebration of India's Independence Day is a mixed practice in virtual and actual. In the morning, Dr. Amitava Basu visited the college to hoist national flag. Later on the day,members of B.B. College family observed Independence Day with a cultural program through social media channel.