Feedback from Students about Teaching and Curriculum Back Students’ overall Evaluation of the programme and Teaching. (To be filled only after the course results are declared) Teacher Details Department * Course * Teacher Name * Year * Your responses will be seen only after your course results have been finalised and recorded. The information will be used only for the improvement of the course and teaching in future. You need not disclose your name if you do not wish to. You may tick more than one answer to a question to the extent that they do not contradict each other. Question's Options 1. The syllabus of each course was a) adequate b) inadequate c) challenging d) dull 2. Background for benefiting from the course was a) more than adequate b) adequate c) inadequate d) cannot say 3. Was the course easy or difficult to understand? a) easy adequate b) manageable c) difficult d) very difficult 4. How much of the syllabus was covered in the class? a) 85 to 100% b) 70 to 85% c) 55 to 70% d) less than 55% 5. What is your opinion about the library material and facilities for the course? a) more than adequate b) adequate c) inadequate d) very poor 6. To what extent were you able to get material for the prescribed readings? a) Easily b) with some difficulty c) not available at all d) with great difficulty 7. How well did the teacher prepare for the classes? a) thoroughly b) satisfactorily c) poorly d) indifferently 8. How well was the teacher able to communicate? a) Always effective b) sometimes effective c) Just satisfactorily d) generally ineffective 9. How far the teacher encourages student participation in class? a) mostly yes b) sometimes c) not at all d) always 10. If yes, which of the following methods were used? a) Encouraged to raise questions b) get involved in discussion in class c) encourage discussion outside class d) did not encourage 11. How helpful was the teacher in advising? a) Very helpful b) sometimes helpful c) not at all helpful d) did not advise 12. The teacher’s approach can best be described as a) Always courteous b) sometimes rude c) always indifferent d) cannot say 13. Internal assessment was a) Always fair b) sometimes unfair c) Usually unfair d) sometimes fair 14. What effect do you think the internal assessment will have on your course grade? a) Helps to improve b) discouraging c) no special effect d) sometimes effective 15. How often did the teacher provide feedback on your performance? a) Regularly/in time b) with helpful comment c) often/ late d) without any comments 16. Were your assignments discussed with you? a) yes, Fully b) yes, partly c) not discussed at all d) sometimes discussed 17. Were you provided with a course contributory lecture too at the beginning? a) Yes b) no If yes, was it helpful? b) Yes b) no 18. If you have other comments to offer on the course and suggestions for the teacher you may do so in the space given Below. Student Name Reset Submit