Certificate Course on A History of Business in India: from Ancient to Modern Times
Details of the course: 1. Course Title: “A History of Business in India: from Ancient to Modern Times” 2. Duration of the course: 40 hours 3. Course Fee: INR 100 only (Students should make their payments to the following College account: Bank Name= Punjab National Bank, Branch= Ushagram, Asansol, A/c Name= Banwarilal Bhalotia College, A/c No.=0824050010032, IFSC = PUNB0082420, MICR= 713024008). After payment, please send screenshots or photos of payment to WhatsApp- 9830527441 and email- business.history.bbcollege@gmail.com 4. Target Participants: Undergraduate students of Social Sciences and Humanities of our College 5. Number of seats: 50 (Fifty) (Seats will be filled on a “first come first served” basis) 6. Last day of registration of names: 26 October 2021 For registration, please fill-up the google form: https://forms.gle/Y66coxvnQCG8sQMg6 Certificates will be awarded on completion of the course. In case of any queries, feel free to contact Dr. Sandip Chatterjee- Ph. 9830527441 (Course Co-Ordinator)